Sunday, December 13, 2009

Banner for Avril14140

Here you go: Avril14140! OMG! I just notice the huge quality difference between JPG and PNG files!! The JPG is the one above and its quality is sooo bad compare to the PNG on at the bottom. Ok, yeah I started doing the banners now ^^ I spend the whole day doing stuff for Runway :p I probably won't be able to work on big graphics at the moment, maybe I don't know, probably not :(

By the way, the banners are made in the order of who followered first. Also, once again, I will only make writer's banners and you must be a follower.


  1. Wow, you did great! (:
    Could you make one for me?
    It should have my medoll (worldstopmodel) some fancy hair, and the words: ISTYLISTA


  2. I followed (did I spell it right?) before Avril14140 did -.-
    The same goes for Ayah (.yoyo.)
    Unfair! I want a banner D:

  3. Yaay..Thank you so much!!
    It`s awesome!!
    I love it!

  4. To Reira,
    Yes, I am a follower.

    I have been a follower for a long time now.

  5. It gorgeous! :D
    Hmm, I must be blind...I can't tell the differance ;P

  6. To Electra: Oh, sorry >.< I thought you want a graphic instead XD

    To iStylista: I don't see you on the list?

  7. I can't be a follower cause I don't have an account soooooo thts fine if I don't get anything! BTW cul design!
